Yelverton Litigators

Mar 27, 2024

Drunk driving accidents are devastating events that can leave victims with debilitating injuries, staggering financial losses, and profound emotional trauma. Driving while drunk is a reckless, negligent act, and those harmed by a drunk driver have the right to seek financial compensation for their suffering. Here’s some advice from a drunk driving victim lawyer serving Hendersonville, NC.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are financial losses stemming directly from the accident. Property damage is a clear cost related to the accident and can include the costs to repair or replace damaged vehicles or other personal property. Medical expenses due to the accident are also a significant part of economic damages that can and should be claimed after a drunk driving accident.

These can range from hospitalizations and surgeries to doctor visits, rehabilitation, and medications, as well as any future medical treatment necessary because of the accident. Lost wages also fall under the category of economic damages, since victims of drunk driving accidents are often unable to return to work due to their injuries or may have diminished earning capacity.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are less tangible but are a way for the justice system to acknowledge the emotional and psychological harm to victims. One category of compensation that is often awarded is pain and suffering: the physical pain resulting from injuries and the emotional distress of the accident. Mental anguish, another category of non-economic damages, can include anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other psychological conditions stemming from the accident.

“Loss of enjoyment of life” and “loss of consortium” are other areas that are hard to quantify but can nonetheless be a very real result of an accident. When injuries prevent someone from engaging in hobbies and activities they once loved, they can claim damages due to a loss of that enjoyment of life. “Loss of consortium” acknowledges the negative impact the accident has on a victim’s family relationships and spousal companionship.

Punitive Damages

In egregious cases where the drunk driver exhibited extreme recklessness, punitive damages may be awarded as punishment and to deter similar behavior. These damages are not meant to compensate for specific losses but rather to demonstrate society’s absolute rejection of such a harmful behavior. Punitive damages are awarded when a judge deems it appropriate to make an example to others of how society responds to destructive behavior.

Determining the Value of Your Case

Several factors will ultimately influence the total amount a victim can recover. The severity of your injuries are a significant factor: the greater the harm, the higher the potential compensation. Economic impact, such as long-term financial losses and earning potential reduction, can also affect the claim. Liability can be another major factor, since if there are multiple responsible parties, the potential compensation pool increases.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a drunk driver, don’t let the insurance companies dictate your future. Contact Yelverton Litigators today in Hendersonville and across South Carolina and northern North Carolina for a free consultation. Our team will work to ensure you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.